〜ロビー/グー・グー・ドールズの「ROBBY'S LOBBY」〜

日本人の奥さんを持つ根っからの親日家ベーシスト、ロビーがバンドの近況やいろんな情報を教えてくれる人気コラム「ROBBY'S LOBBY」!誌面から1月遅れで彼が執筆した英文ママの掲載です。

Hey Hey In Rockers and Welcome back to The Lobby for another year here in the pages of the mighty In Rock, wow, 2025 ..... As I write this month’s column it’s just before Christmas here in my hometown of Buffalo, NY, but as you read this it will be just after the New Year! So .... Happy New Year to all of you from the snowy city of Buffalo, NY! My family is headed to NYC tomorrow for a holiday in the city to see a Rockettes Christmas show and have a nice afternoon in Bryant Park, maybe with some hot chocolate and ice skating as well. And of course, we’ll go check out the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center to make the trip complete! Goo Goo Dolls have had the honor of performing at the Christmas Tree lighting in years past, and it’s always a festive scene and a great way to mark the holidays here in NY.

Speaking of Goo Goo Dolls, you may remember from the last column, I was headed to South Africa for a short tour with the band over there. Well, as luck would have it, my partner John got diagnosed with Pneumonia and the South African tour had to be postponed until March. He’s doing alright now, in fact we’ve already done a show since the cancellation, but the move make our new year pretty busy in 2025 with an Australian tour in February, South African Tour in March, The Stagecoach Festival at the Coachella Grounds in California in April and then the ramp up for the Summer Anthem 2025 Tour of North America with Dashboard Confessional which runs with 40 some shows through late September.

The show we had just performed this month was in Naples, Florida with the superstar country music act Old Dominion, country music is becoming very mainstream here in the US in the last few years, so we are starting to see more country acts entering the concert/festival scene here combined with other typically different types of music that crowds seem to enjoy seeing together. The festival is called LIVE FEST held on a driving range of a golf course at a high-end hotel in Florida. The event is in cooperation with a huge golf tournament which combines the LPG and the LPGA’s men and women professional golfers into mixed teams for over 4 million dollars in prize money. Then after the tournament the course is open to all the attendees and tickets are also sold separately to the public for the event. This was the first show John was able to play guitar at since a surgery he had on his hand a few months ago, so it was nice to be back and have the band sounding the way we’re used to hearing it after a string of shows with John not being able to play his guitars!

We have a lone show in January as well outside of Buffalo, so I’ll take you along and fill you in on the show next month, I think my family might be coming out for that one as well, maybe I’ll even introduce y’all to my dear old Dad while we’re there, he’s a pretty cool guy! Ok, that does it or me, best wishes for the new year and I hope you all had a great holiday season!

All the best, and peace .....


